How to Map Your Nervous System
In this blog, we begin to provide a detailed description and guided practice of how to map your nervous system. Mapping your nervous system practice involves developing a deeper understanding of how your body responds to stress, relaxation, and everyday stimuli. By observing bodily sensations, emotional responses, and thought patterns, you create a personalized framework that helps you navigate your nervous system's unique landscapes. Let's begin to build awareness from the inside out.
Regulating Big Emotions
Have you ever experienced a time where you were so upset that nothing you seemed to try could work to help calm you down? TIPP is a DBT skill that activates our parasympathetic nervous system to help us rest and slow down by regulating our emotions.
Helping Teens Manage Their Stress Holistically
Stress presents itself differently in adolescents than in adults and can sometimes be overlooked. Today we will take a closer look at signs of stress in adolescents and then review ways to holistically help decrease your child’s stress.
Grounding: the Benefits and the Practice
Grounding encompasses simple tactics aimed at disengaging from emotional distress. These tactics include distractions directing our attention outward, to the external world. They also are helpful to bring us back to the present moment.
5 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health in College
Taking care of your mental health during school can be really hard. Between classes, friends, and work it becomes difficult to make time for yourself. Here are five changes I made to prioritize my wellbeing during college.
6 Ways to Overcome a Breakup
Going through a breakup can be an emotional and difficult time, and it's important to take care of yourself during this period. Here are six ways you support yourself holistically during this time.
How to Shift the Inner Critic Mindset
Our inner critic is often fueled by cognitive distortions which are internal mental filters and biases that often leave us second guessing ourselves as well as feeling badly about ourselves. Learn how you can use the 4 C’s to modify these unhelpful thoughts and change the way your inner critic speaks to yourself.
Validation: An Effective Tool to Strengthen Your Relationships
Understanding what validation is, why it is essential to our relationships, and how to practice in real life.
5 Ways to Manage Overwhelm
When we end up feeling overwhelmed, it’s a sign that we’re struggling. Take a moment to consider how this shows up for you. Do you notice it in your mind, or in your body?
6 Ways to Connect with Your Teen
Often it might feel overwhelming to try and get your teen to agree to spend time with you. GRAPES are a skill you can do individually or with someone else and helps us manage our self-care.